

Age: 13

Breed: Chow mix

Where from: Detroit, MI

My personality is: calm and independent. I just like to do my own thing.

I like: a nice easy stroll, hanging out with my people, and the back of my ears rubbed.

I don’t really like: doing anything I don’t feel like doing.

Fun fact: I have a frog friend that likes to sleep in my kennel.

Megan is now running free at the Rainbow Bridge.🌈



Age: 13

Breed: Lab

Where from: Dayton, OH

My personality is: outgoing and friendly. I love company.

I like: being around people, walks, my ears rubbed, belly rubs, and FOOD!

I don’t really like: when my food is a bit late.

Fun fact: Late at night, I love walking out in the corral and letting everyone know that my name is Deacon. I hear my name echoing in the distance and it makes me happy.

Deacon is now running free at the Rainbow Bridge.🌈



Age: 13

Breed: Foxhound

Where from: Toledo, OH

My personality is: I like to do my own thing in my own time. No need to hurry. I like you, but I like me too.

I like: nighttime, belly rubs, long walks, doorways, and everyone else’s bed.

I don’t really like: anything about mornings, being led where I don’t feel like going, or eating when I don’t feel like it.

Fun fact: I love to act like I’m in no particular hurry and then suddenly start to sprint at full speed! It seems to bring excitement into my people’s lives.

Ellie is now running free at the Rainbow Bridge.🌈



Age: 11

Breed: Shar Pei/Lab

Where from: Cambridge, OH

My personality is: I love to be near people that I trust. I am polite and will wait my turn for things. Being by myself is cool and I feel secure.

I like: running and racing Ellie at full speed, playing ball with Drake, and lying in the tall grass like a lion.

I don’t really like: sleeping inside at night.

Fun fact: I was allowed to have any kennel to sleep in at night, and I chose Deacon’s room! I think we have a connection to each other.


Age: 16

Breed: Aussiedoodle

Where from: Brookville, OH

My personality is: I am happy about life. I love dogs, people, and all animals. I feel like everyone is my friend.

I like: walks, but I LOVE to play catch with tennis balls, footballs, and frisbees.

I don’t really like: when one of my friends is going on a walk and I am not. That makes me bark!

Fun fact: I let you know when I want to play catch by standing on my hind legs and pawing your throwing arm. When I do this (which is a lot), pay attention!

Drake is now running free at the Rainbow Bridge.🌈



Age: 10

Breed: Shar Pei mix

Where from: Erie, MI

My personality is: I am on my own time and in no hurry at this point. I am loving and friendly, but I need to trust you first.

I like: going around with the crowd. I never push to the front, but I’ll be around all my crew. I love to walk outdoors in no particular hurry.

I don’t really like: waking up in a hurry or going through dog doors.

Favorite treat: Vienna sausages. They are more of a need for me. I apologize about any finger damage if you hand feed me.

Fun fact: I walk one foot in front of the other like a supermodel.

Bear is now running free at the Rainbow Bridge.🌈



Age: 11

Breed: Cattle dog / Beagle

Where from: Kalamazoo, MI

My personality is: outgoing and assertive. I love to be in everyone’s business.

I like: food, treats, playing, and being a bro.

I don’t really like: having to wait my turn for ANYTHING.

Fun fact: I love massages!



Age: 10

Breed: Beagle / Basset Hound

Where from: Lansing, MI area

My personality is: protective, loyal, and affectionate.

I like: playing outside, barking, and moving objects on the road.

I don’t really like: when people have to say goodbye and when dinner is over.

Fun fact: I don’t just bark; I can honk too.

Josey is now running free at the Rainbow Bridge.🌈



Age: 15

Breed: Siberian Husky

Where from: South of Lansing, MI

My personality is: friendly, curious, and confident.

I like: people, dogs, the cold, and playing outside.

I don’t really like: missing out on any family activities!

Fun fact: I have two different colored eyes.

Michael is now running free at the Rainbow Bridge.🌈


Age: 11+

Breed: Rottweiler mix

Where from: Toledo, OH

My personality is: loyal, respectful, and reserved.

I like: to sit on my outdoor patio and observe the world.

I don’t really like: the heat.

Fun fact: I can do lots of tricks!

Coco is now running free at the Rainbow Bridge.🌈


Age: 11+

Breed: Lab mix

Where from: Wauseon, OH

My personality is: gregarious, spry, and friendly.

I like: to lay on my back and have people rub my belly. I also love to sprint full speed at people to say hi.

I don’t really like: being left out of anything. I have MAJOR FOMO!

Fun fact: I find comfort in lying by old cars.


Age: 16

Breed: Lab mix

Where from: Toledo, OH

My personality is: curious and independent.

I like: to run around the corrals and explore.

I don’t really like: too much attention on me.

Fun fact: I am the oldest dog to be at Dirty Paws.

Midnight is now running free at the Rainbow Bridge.🌈


Age: 16

Breed: Boxer mix

Where from: Sylvania, OH

My personality is: friendly and calm.

I like: walk to the end of the pasture, follow people around, and then nap for the rest of the day.

I don’t really like: waking up too early from my naps.

Fun fact: I pee in cursive.

Oliver is now running free at the rainbow bridge 🌈


Age: 10+

Breed: Lab mix

Where from: Portsmouth, OH

My personality is: curious, self-sufficient, and independent.

I like: to cuddle.

I don’t really like: cold weather!

Fun fact: I am the smallest dog to be at Dirty Paws.

River is now running free at the Rainbow Bridge.🌈


Age: 12+

Breed: Lab

Where from: Northwood, OH

My personality: I am a typical lab! I am good-natured, friendly, and I love every single dog and frog here at DPAH.

I like: snacks and getting brushed and petted at night until I fall asleep.

I don’t really like: dry food. And I don’t like just one snack!

Fun fact: I can pick out a pill from layers and layers of pill pockets and spit it on the ground, but I won’t waste the treat!

Katie is now running free at the Rainbow Bridge.🌈


Age: 13

Breed: Shepherd mix

Where from: Toledo, OH

My personality: I am confident and friendly! I will stand up for myself. I fit in because I get this dog stuff.

I like: my snacks, but I also love to roam the property. I love to sleep outside when it’s nice.

I don’t really like: Because I am an early riser, I don’t like waiting in the morning for everyone to get out to potty and back in for snacks. I mean I’m ready, what’s the delay?!

Fun fact: I’ve broken as many blinds as Morty! That makes me happy because I like Morty!

Holly is now running free at the Rainbow Bridge.🌈

Chief Brody

Age: 9

Breed: Great Dane / Pit mix

Where from: Toledo, OH

My personality: I am very chill, friendly, and social!

I like: treats, hanging around humans, and spending time with my new family.

I don’t really like: people sneaking up on me.

Fun fact: I love to sleep in my bunk bed with Snowey!


Age: 13

Breed: Lab mix

Where from: Toledo, OH

My personality: I am very chill, friendly, and social!

I like: to roll on my back and bark!

I don’t really like: being rushed!

Fun fact: I am named after Naya Sophia!

Sophia is now running free at the Rainbow Bridge.🌈

Mr. Rogers

Age: 10

Breed: Cocker Spaniel

Where from: Mason, MI / Ingham County

My personality: I am rambunctious, affectionate, spicy, and playful!

I like: to jump on your lap when you sit down!

I don’t really like: being short-changed on my food. Just because I’m small doesn’t mean I don’t like to eat!

Fun fact: I am named after Mr. Rogers because I loved wearing sweaters due to my skin condition.


Age: 13

Breed: Pitbull Bulldog mix

Where from: Toledo, OH

My personality: I am polite, calm, curious, and inquisitive!

I like: spending time with the dogs, car rides, and sleeping in the bunk bed with Chief Brody.

I don’t really like: being alone.

Fun fact: I love to eat at drive-thrus! My favorite food is cheeseburgers!


Age: 10

Breed: Chow mix

Where from: Dayton, OH

My personality: I am playful, fun, and a trickster.

I like: to sneak up behind the other dogs, nip at their ear, and then run off.

I don’t really like: lotion rubbed on me.

Fun fact: I am Brownie’s sister! I could also be Megan’s sister in looks, but I have a more fiery personality.

Maggie is now running free at the Rainbow Bridge.🌈


Age: 10

Breed: Boxer

Where from: Dayton, OH

My personality: I am outgoing, bold, and friendly.

I like: running in the corrals full speed. I love the pack!

I don’t really like: being left out.

Fun fact: When I saw Maggie for the first time in a few months, I didn’t leave her side for two straight days.


Age: 11

Breed: German Shepherd

Where from: Toledo, OH

My personality: I am patient, shy, calm, and friendly.

I like: walking and stretching my long legs. I also love laying in the grass and being near the pack.

I don’t really like: too much attention on me.

Fun fact: I am the tallest dog at Dirty Paws.

Macy is now running free at the Rainbow Bridge.🌈


Age: 12

Breed: Pointer

Where from: Monroe, MI

My personality: I am happy, outgoing, and curious.

I like: dogs, treats, and hind end rubs.

I don’t really like: being crated AT ALL. Period. End of story.

Fun fact: I can sing and howl!


Age: 14

Breed: Lab German Shepherd

Where from: Napoleon, OH

My personality: I am calm, confident, and content.

I like: having my own apartment with my recliner.

I don’t really like: bathtime, but I did it!

Fun fact: I was in the shelter for the better part of 4 years; I am very social and friendly.

Zeus is now running free at the Rainbow Bridge.🌈


Age: 9

Breed: Shepherd mix

Where from: Toledo, OH

My personality: I am curious and outgoing.

I like: exploring everything and everywhere.

I don’t really like: being left out of anything.

Fun fact: I went from not knowing how to take a treat to being the first in line.


Age: 12

Breed: Husky Shepherd

Where from: Monroe, MI

My personality: Confident, friendly, independant

I like: to roam the corrals, lie with the other dogs

I don’t really like: to be crated, and I don’t like surprises

Fun fact: I am very similar to Michael our husky and Macy our Shepherd but I am more like Macy in personality



Breed: Boxer

Where from: Wood County

My personality: Chill, silly

I like: to lie with the other dogs and all snacks!

I don’t really like: I like everthing

Fun fact: I am the third Boxer at the sanctuary

Casper is now running free at the rainbow bridge.🌈



Breed: Lab mix

Where from: Fremont, OH

My personality: Calm and pleasant

I like: walk along the edge of the fence then come in and nap!

I don’t really like: rushing because I tend to lose my balance

Fun fact: everyone says I remind them of Midnight!


Age: 8

Breed: Boxer

Where from: Toledo, OH

My personality: Curious, active, loyal

I like: sprint all around the kennels but I LOVE snacks

I don’t really like: waiting for dinner

Fun fact: I am the fourth Boxer to arrive at the sanctuary


Age: 8

Breed: Lab Beagle

Where from: Mt Vernon, OH

My personality: so sweet, calm and social

I like: be in the middle of all the little dogs and nap

I don’t really like: when im not included

Fun fact: I thought I was going to stay in the house but love being outside whenever I want so I live in the rescue building!

Miss Sweetie


Breed: Shih Tzu

Where from: Toledo, OH

My personality: don’t worry I’ll get there, it just might take a bit longer

I like: to lie in the bed and snore

I don’t really like: my eyedrops but I do it

Fun fact: I am the first rescue to be in the house because I was too little for the rescue building
Miss Sweetie is now running free at the rainbow bridge.🌈


Age: 14

Breed: Puggle

Where from: Monroe, MI

My personality: Friendly, feisty, energetic

I like: running around with my pack and I love to play

I don’t really like: waiting too long at snack time

Fun fact: I am the smallest dog to arrive at the sanctuary but I have a BIG personality


Age: 10+

Breed: Pittie mix

Where from: Toledo, OH

My personality: Calm, disciplined, friendly

I like: quiet, treats and to sit in Zeus’ chair

I don’t really like: being rushed

Fun fact: I am the first brindle dog at DIrty Paws


Age: 10+

Breed: Lab

Where from: Toledo, OH

My personality: I love affection and you know i am in a room

I like: my belly rubbed, and rubbed….

I don’t really like: when my belly isn’t rubbed

Fun fact: I came along with my two sisters and I am a lot like Sophia


Age: 10+

Breed: Pittie mix

Where from: Toledo, OH

My personality: Sweet, social, reserved

I like: Meeting and laying down with new friends

I don’t really like: being away from my family too long

Fun fact: I was the first of the new sisters to sleep with one of the Dirty Paws pack


Age: 10+

Breed: Lab hound mix

Where from: Toledo, OH

My personality: Energetic, confident, friendly

I like: running, treats, listening

I don’t really like: not being included

Fun fact: I am one of the three sister who came all together and I am a lot like Morty


Age: 12

Breed: Hound mix

Where from: Toledo, OH

My personality: Energetic, confident, mannery

I like: laying with my pack, treats, listening

I don’t really like: staying inside a lot, I like roaming the land

Fun fact: I am very similar to Nyla but a little smaller and i think im a bit sweeter


Age: 8

Breed: Hound mix

Where from: , Lebanon, OH

My personality: playful, energetic, curious

I like: running, food, and food

I don’t really like: being crated much

Fun fact: i am a great helper at mealtime and i can jump on the counter to get a better view of the food


Age: 10

Breed: Cattle dog mix

Where from: Bowling Green, OH

My personality: Active, helpful, secure

I like: my humans to be near me. I like to herd my pack

I don’t really like: my ears touched

Fun fact: I herd my pack by using my nose to steer them



Breed: Beagle

Where from: Huron, MI

My personality: So sweet!

I like: walking the land and sniffing all that can be sniffed

I don’t really like: the nails cut

Fun fact: I am 15yo but act like puppy!



Breed: Pit mix

Where from: Toledo, OH

My personality: Affectionate, calm, social

I like: walks in the corrals and hanging out with Morty

I don’t really like: being left out of anything

Fun fact: I gained 5 lbs in the first week I was here

Molly B

Age: 8

Breed: Beagle hound mix

Where from: Bowling Green, OH

My personality: Active mischievous

I like: to run and run some more

I don’t really like: waiting for dinner while I am crated

Fun fact: I am a farm dog and fit in right away